The Dambusters PDF Download
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the letter of the part you would like. Generally the following
applies:/Les quatre parties sont généralement présentées
comme suit
A=Melody-for more experienced players/Mélodie-pour
musiciens ayant plus d'expérience
B=Harmony-for intermediate players/Harmonie-pour
musiciens de niveau intermédiaire
C=Harmony/Bass Part-for beginner players/Harmonie
et (ou) Basse-pour musiciens débutants
D=Counter-melody/Harmony/Bass Part-for
intermediate to experienced players/Mélodie en contre-chant ou
Harmonie ou Basse-pour musiciens de niveau intermédiaire ou
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Téléchargez toutes les pièces comme un fichier fermé la
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The Dambuster raids were carried out in
1943 against the Mohne and Eder dams in Germany. The idea was to
"bust" the dams and flood the low countries to disrupt
German communications. Special water skipping bombs were dropped
from RAF Lancaster bombers. The bombs were designed to skip
along the surface of the water until it reached the dam, where
they were to sink down to a certain depth before detonating. The
bombs were barrel shaped which allowed them to spin in the water
which held them against the surface of the dams. By detonating
the bombs below the surface of the water, it would do more
damage as there is already significant stress on the dam from
the weight of the water pushing against it. The crews of the
Lancaster bombers were comprised largely of Canadian airmen.