Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not covered here, please don’t hesitate to contact the webmaster

Who can be a Sea Cadet?

Any youth who has reached their 12th birthday and has not turned 19 can be a Sea Cadet. When you register, you will need to bring your birth certificate (or landed immigrant card) and your BC Care Card. We will take photocopies of these and return them the same night.

What does it cost to join?

There are no registration fees or dues to join the Cadet Program. Upon joining, uniforms and accoutrements are provided free of charge. Cadets and parents are encouraged to participate in and contribute to fundraising on behalf of the Local Sponsoring Committee and League, to offset costs not covered by the Department of National Defence.

When do I get a uniform?

You will normally be loaned (at no charge) a uniform within the first 3 to 5 weeks (dependent upon supply system availability).

What sort of things do Sea Cadets do?

Sea Cadets do many things including: sailing & safe boating, range safety, drill, music, and ship tours. In addition, Sea Cadets learn naval history & knowledge, Canadian citizenship, leadership, and instructional techniques. Cadets can also get involved in the Duke of Edinburgh program.

What nights do Sea Cadets meet?

RCSCC AMPHION (Nanaimo’s Sea Cadet corps) normally parades on Thursday evenings from 6:15pm to 9:15pm and we follow the school calendar. In addition, AMPHION normally conducts band and guard training on Monday evenings from 6:15pm to 9:00pm, with the last Monday of each month normally reserved as a Sports and Fitness night.  Please see the Training Calendar for up-to-date information on our activities.

Where is RCSCC AMPHION located?

Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps AMPHION parades at the Navy League Cadet Hall, 750 Fifth Street, Nanaimo BC. (Follow the link for the Google Map.)

Do Sea Cadets do anything on weekends?

Most definitely yes. During the training year (September to June) we do several weekend activities. These range from onboard weekends where the cadets stay at our building over the weekend; to sail weekends, adventure training, ship, tours and public parades. Please see the Training Calendar for up-to-date information on our activities.

What about summertime?

Every year Sea Cadets from all across Canada apply for summer training. There are numerous courses that are run. Each of them is specialized to allow the cadets to reach certain goals. In addition to summer training, a select group of Sea Cadets get the privilege of visiting other countries on an exchange. Although not all cadets may be selected to go to summer training, we work very hard to get as many cadets as possible to the Cadet Training Centres.

Who runs the program?

The program is run and administered by a select group of reserve officers (Cadet Instrictors Cadre) specially trained to instruct cadets. These officers are members of the Canadian Forces and take courses that give them specialized training in working with youth, organizing cadet activities, and harassment & abuse prevention.

Can parents get involved?

Absolutely! Parents are encouraged to join the local sponsoring Navy League Branch. Your membership allows you to attend meetings and have a say in the operation of the Branch. The Nanaimo Branch owns and operates the Cadet Hall facility, home to both RCSCC AMPHION and Navy League Cadet Corps J.P. Bell. As well, the Branch supports extra training exercises and organizes fund-raising activities.

In addition, parents are often asked to assist with weekend activities, be it assisting with the food preparation during onboard activities, transportation during fundraising activities and nearby weekend activities, etc. Help is always very appreciated!

How can I contact someone for more information?

Just click on the Contact Us menu item (or follow the previous link) for contact information. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

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