Easy Access to the 136 RCSCC Amphion Training Calendar
For easy access to the Amphion Training Calendar, you can simply open [this link] in your browser and bookmark it for quick, easy access on any device.
In Google Calendar, you can show this in your calendar by going through the following steps:
- Click on the “plus sign” immediately to the right of “Add a friend’s calendar” (which brings up the tooltip reading “Add other calendars” and select “From URL“
- In the pop-up window paste https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/comms%40amphioncadets.ca/public/basic.ics and then click on the “Add Calendar” button
- You should now have “RCSCC AMPHION Training Calendar” showing in the list of “Other calendars“
- Click on the down arrow to the right of “RCSCC AMPHION Training Calendar” and set the colour to whatever you like.
- I recommend clicking on the down arrow to the right of “RCSCC AMPHION Training Calendar“, selecting “Calendar settings“, then choosing “Edit notifications” and then setting up notifications to your preference (I personally like the last option of receiving a “Daily agenda” email)