136 RCSCC AMPHION is the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps serving Nanaimo BC and the surrounding area.

We meet Thursday Evenings, 6:15 – 9:15 pm September through June in the Navy League Hall, 750 Fifth Street, Nanaimo

Sea Cadets is a national youth organization for boys and girls aged 12 to 18. Sea Cadets teaches and encourages citizenship, responsibility, self-discipline, leadership, organization, time management, physical fitness, and overall self-improvement. We seek to instill a good hard work ethic, a sense of teamwork, and an understanding that success comes with effort and perseverance. All of this is achieved through an organized program of training and activities.

Sea Cadets learn about sailing and boating, communications, marching drill, target shooting, leadership and instructional technique, citizenship, music training, sports and fitness, and naval / maritime awareness and more. We have optional activities like first aid training, biathlon, hiking, camping and orienteering.

We also have opportunities for Cadets to travel abroad on International Exchanges, or to be sent on Canadian Navy or Coast Guard ships for seamanship training.

We have an outstanding summer training program, with summer courses ranging from 2 to 8 weeks in length. After attending several summer training courses, Cadets can apply to become summer staff at our training centers, earning a great summer income and having fun doing it.

RCSCC AMPHION is the only Sea Cadet Corps in Nanaimo and draws cadets from the surrounding communities. There are no “designated catchment” areas for Cadets, you can join a Corps in another community if you wish, so even if there is a Sea Cadet Corps more local to you, you are free to choose AMPHION if you wish to join us.


Our Location:

We parade on Thursday evenings, 6:15 – 9:15 pm September through June in the Navy League Hall, 750 Fifth Street, Nanaimo.

In addition, we hold Band and Guard training on Monday evenings, 6:15 – 9:15 pm.

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