2024 Poppy Campaign

In support of the Royal Canadian Legion's Poppy Campaign, RCSCC Amphion has been tasked and is committed to having cadets...
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136 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC) AMPHION – Nanaimo BC

This website was created to show what RCSCC AMPHION’s cadets are involved in and what the program can offer youth in the Nanaimo area.

The Sea Cadet program provides an opportunity to participate in community events, parades, as well as marksmanship, first aid, drill, seamanship, military band, first aid, sailing, small craft operation, and sports events.

Participation in the program also provides a platform towards the development of skills that can promote future community leaders such as comedian Rick Mercer and astronauts Mark Garneau and Chris Hadfield.

Sea Cadets are sponsored by the Department of National Defence and the Navy League of Canada.

We continue to grow in numbers through ongoing recruitment and are always looking for young people who want to learn about the sea and want a challenge.

We operate with a qualified staff of Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) Officers, as well as Civilian Volunteer instructors, and are co-sponsored by our Navy League of Canada Branch committee and the Dept of National Defence (DND).

Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) Officers are dedicated members of our community who work with youth in their spare time by providing them with a dynamic and structured program. The CIC consists of approximately 7,800 commissioned officers whose primary duty is the safety, supervision, administration and training of over 52,000 Cadets.

CIC officers are members of the Canadian Armed Forces and belong to the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS). This sub-component of the Reserve Force consists of officers and non-commissioned members who, by the terms of their enrolment or transfer, have undertaken as their primary duty the safety, supervision, administration and training of Cadets or Junior Canadian Rangers.

CIC officers serve in the sea, land or air elements and receive specialized training to prepare them for their duties as youth leaders. Many of them are former cadets who wish to give back to their community. Others consist of former Regular or Primary Reserve Force members, interested parents or members of the community at large.

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